How to see Prophet Muhammad PBUH in dream
The interesting fact about this dua is when you recite it in the way mentioned below, Prophet Muhammad PBUH will come to your dream... As i myself did it 3 times and met Him every time i recited it. That's why i am sharing it with the people who love Prophet PBUH soooooooooooooooo much and really want to see Him, once in their life time. Best wishes for all.If anyone loves to see prophet Muhammd PBUH in his/her dream then he/she should try to develop love for Prophet PBUH more than any person in your life.
- Try to offer 5 times prayers and avoid sins as much as possible.
- Try to send darood o salam on Prophet PBUH daily or atleast on friday.
- On Friday, take bath, wear new cloths, put some scent on you.
- Try to do ablution everytime you attend the washroom.
- The place where you sleep should be clean. Put clean bedsheets and make the air fragrant.
- Always do ablution before going to bed.
- Before sleeping say Bismillah and your face should be towards right side facing holy Kaba.
* On one Friday night just after offering Namaz-e-Esha, recite 3 times Darood Sharif.* Then recite following Dua 11 times.

* and recite 3 times Darood Sharif again.
* Dont talk to anybody and go to bed your face towards right side facing holy Kaba and go to sleep in this position. It does not matter how many times you change your position during night. But start sleeping like that.
* On the next few days you dont need to read this dua again but you must sleep ba-wudu (after taking ablution) facing kaba while you just start sleeping. Because you are surely going to meet Him in your dream just before the next friday arrives :) i.e. withen one week.
And when you succeed in this, i beg you to pray for me & my parent's maghfirat.
As-Salamu Alaykum,
ReplyDeleteI hope you are doing well. I had a one question. When you say Friday night do you mean thursday night or the night of Friday?
W. Salam, on Friday at night....
DeleteCan you tell me where is this duaa taken from? I mean, is it in Quran? Asking because I want to read it's translation to know what it means.
ReplyDeleteAsalamualakum sista .Please pray I get to see nabi saw in my dream.jazakallah
ReplyDeleteInshallah 😊
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ReplyDeleteSalam Alaykom, I am a teenage boy wanting to See Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When you said to sleep on the right side towards kabba, I did not understand what you meant.
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DeleteSleep on your right side, face the side of the room that is facing the Qibla (e.g. to the west of your room if the Qibla is Northwest of your room) You may have to turn the other way around on your bed.
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ReplyDeleteSalam alikom
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me kindly what is darood sharif?
Darood e Ibrahimi, the one you recite in you namaz. or you can recite any darood of your choice.
DeleteAsalamu Alaikum. I request you to narrate the dream to my mail
May Allah swt bless you
I did this three times in my life and all three times I saw him (pbuh) in my dream. So I decided to share it with other people. Because it was easiest of all other methods that are too difficult to achieve.
DeleteAsalmu alakium I have 2 questions the first is when you said recite this dua 11 times is that dua darood sharif and my second is what does namaz mean is it like sunnah prayer ?
ReplyDeletewhats is the darood sharif..?
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DeleteDarood sharif means shalawat.
DeleteDarud e Ibrahim’s or any darud you know
DeleteCan you please provide an authentic source for the provided Verses? Where it has been mentioned that by doing this we can see our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)? People kindly refrain from doing such act by blindly following what is published.
ReplyDeleteMany ulma e din accepted this rule for see prophet SAW
DeleteYe tarika bahut acha hai
ReplyDeleteMy wish is to see Prophet Muhammad (SAW) before I die and for him to intercede for me and all of the ummah on the day of judgement.
ReplyDeleteWhats the dua in English plsss